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Re: public service announcement

sir Fred:
<< Are we setting out to deliberately anger other Christians?  I'm not much 
of a legalist, but when we claim freedoms like smoking, we need to check our 
attitudes. >>
Hey Lostee's,

been offline a few days but since there seems to have been a bit of 
misunderstanding (at least on what I said) so I'll reply late here.

I was just rolling sarcasm in an attempt at levity.  Didn't mean it to sound 
condemning.  A criticism at most, that's all.  I think we can be critical 
about a particular POV without condemning or being *self* - righteous, right? 
 Or perhaps I read 'the Door' too much... If I had to condemn I'd condemn the 
particular part of Christian culture that seems to breed legalism like a 
paranoid breeds conspiracies, not the kid that is a result of it.
Anyway, on to Fred's comment.  I for one would never dream of smoking just to 
anger other Christians.  I smoke, well, because I've been doing it my whole 
life. It's been an ongoing struggle.  I had quit, with God's help, by way of 
an alter call, for 5 years but I loosened my resolve and started again a 
couple years ago.  I'm not sure I'd claim it a freedom in the sense that 
since I'm under the blood there's nothing wrong with it but I surely don't 
think a smoker is any more outside God's grace than a nonsmoker.  I don't 
think we're loved any more or less by our works -- at least by God.
     I do find the mindset of some that are *angered* by smokers frustrating. 
Among adults anyway. Kids are still learning.  If someone finds smoking an 
unpardonable sin and thinks that smoking somehow places the smoker outside 
grace (which, regretfully doesn't seem to be an exaggeration with some I've 
run into) then he/she should have nothing but compassion for that person, not 
anger.  If someone sees it as a habitual sin like the many many other 
habitual sins Christians get themselves into the same goes -- compassion not 
anger.  What do we, broken people all, saved by grace, have to be *angry* 
about with another persons sin?  Love 'em, help 'em, pray for 'em, even 
criticize 'em when we think we're seeing straight enough to do that, but 
anger....Let's be angry at our own sin.. 

kevin (stoned by many a look)

People say that everyone has a few skeletons in their closet, but I don't.
Well, not yet anyway.  I mean, the bodies are still decomposing.
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