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RE: Fitzgerald's review and other assorted ramblings - long and windy

Title: RE: Fitzgerald's review and other assorted ramblings - long and windy

Mr Cade said:

>Sorry it was so long and drawn out, but the mainframes are down >>at the minute and I felt like sharing more than just what songs >were played and who was on stage etc.

>Singing inside, "like a radio"

Please don't apologize - it was beautiful, felt like I was
there . . . *sigh* -- Thanks~

Singin' inside - Ain't no sunshine when she's gone - (unless a great listee does a thorough review of her and the band . . .)


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Cade [mailto:michael.cade.liv1 at statefarm_com]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 9:52 AM
To: Over-The-Rhine (E-mail)
Subject: Fitzgerald's review and other assorted ramblings - long and windy

Hi all,
As john mentioned earlier, the show was really an incredible show.  Kevin snagged a set list and was supposed to have it up by now but, no.  We didn't manage to stumble home till about 3am so I gave him a little slack but here it is the next day already.

You may have seen that we invited Kevin to go along with us since I knew he was in my neck of the woods and we swung by to get him on the way.  My wife was all for the idea until we were getting ready to leave and then she started thinking about all of the horror stories about people you meet through the net, so she made me leave a note on the kitchen table that if we came up missing or were found slain, Kevin did it!  LOL what a hoot.

Actually Kevin turned out to be pretty normal, I mean that in a good way Kevin. ;-)  Within about 5 minutes of picking him up we found out that he works with about 1/2 a dozen people that we know really well and have know for years.  One of the guys had told us a while back that someone he worked with was a total Cornerstone guy (as are we) and we should get together.  It only took about 5 years.

So we got to Fitzgerald's way early, emphasis on way.  Doors open at seven so wanted to be first in line.  After several Schuba's shows where you have to get there an hour or more before the doors open to get at the head of the line we were prepared.  We got there before the place was even open.  As a matter of fact while we were waiting the guy who was picking up the Toilet paper for the bar arrived.  I think that conveys our earliness.  Oh by the way we ran into Karin and Jack outside before going in.

When they finally let us in to sit down we scored a table close to the stage and sat drinking our coffee since the bar wasn't actually open for business as of yet.  Not long after another couple showed up and found a seat as well.  they were recent listee Amanda and fiancé Sam.  After a while, they started moving out the tables and chairs in preparation for the show.  Finally we were told along with Amanda and Sam that we had to give up our tables, so we quickly grabbed a couple of bar stools at a smaller bar stage left.  After all the show wasn't to start for 3 more hours.

Had nice chats with Amanda and Sam with an occasional visit from Linford.  We watched the whole sound check (this was a huge amount of fun practically like getting another whole free show out of the deal).  Kevin forgot to bring his "Lostee" nametag so he made one out of an old business card and taped it on his chest with a used piece of masking tape we found on a poster on the wall.  Even Linford commented on the name tag.  Are you getting the idea that we had already had a great time before the show even started?

We got to assist in setting up the merch table a little since we had not much else to do.  We lit candles and hauled a couple boxes and the like.  The group was getting ready to head out for a bite to eat before the show so Linford asked me to watch the merch table till Jana arrived at her scheduled time so nothing would disappear while they were gone and to show Jana the ropes since we are old hands.  Linford also asked us to make up a couple of signs asking for NO SMOKING near the stage.  Creative juices flowing, we made up a few with input from Kevin, Amanda and Sam with little pictures of butts (yes of the gludious nature) with the circle and line through them and asking patrons to refrain from flammable behaviors near the stage.  Who needs a concert to have a good time?  We even saved a little 3'x3' space in between us and the stage as Kylie's space, so she was there in spirit with us.  We weren't afraid of not being able to see over her even though we were sitting down ;-)

The place started to pack out and we met up with Joe (listee) and his wife and John (JB) that already gave a review and Jana as well.  Dawn (my wife) and Kevin had a long discussion of what Karin would probably wear.  Dawn opting for a low cut look and Kevin disagreeing.  We all yearned for the days of flowing skirts or dresses with combat boots.  When she came on stage we were pleasantly rewarded.  A really stunning dress, black lace with bead things on it that glittered, black nylons and midcalf black healed boots.  Her hair back in a pony tail.  Karin was absolutely stunning.  We have seen them a lot and she has never looked better.  Karin, if you are reading this "Dahling, you looked Mahvlous".  Linford had on jeans with a cuff a red dress type shirt over a red T and a newer page boyish hairstyle that only he could get away with.  Jack was in black jeans, with a green dress shirt with a floral type print on it and unbuttoned cuffs.

A few highlights of the show.  In random order.
Jack had contacted a real estate agent in Scotland about buying a home there and to his huge dismay the agent told him he had a strong American accent.  This led to several cracks by K&L that now neither the Britts nor the Americans could understand him.

The played The Seahorse stating that someone had requested it a few months ago and they worked it up.
As John had mentioned the Little Blue River/In the Garden was fantastic.  When Karin sang the old hymn it seemed as if she was transported to the garden in the song and was walking with the Lord.  It was an incredible experience and then as the hail started (we could hear through and open door just off the stage), well it really defies explanation.

Linford mentioned after singing LBR that some people had mistaken the lyric "you best be saving your pennies" as you best be saving your panties (obviously a list reference of the last few days) and he enjoyed that.  Said it would have been the first time he was able to fit "panties" into a song.

But the real highlight for us (pretty much as always I think) is watching K&L on stage and talking to them and seeing the genuineness they have.  Karin shyly smiling and thanking the crowd for the applause as if she is often truly surprised that the things they do are enjoyed by people and that they can actually make others smile and forget about the bills, mortgages, jobs, etc for just a little while.  Linford always thanking people for coming and really meaning it.

Sorry it was so long and drawn out, but the mainframes are down at the minute and I felt like sharing more than just what songs were played and who was on stage etc.

Singing inside, "like a radio"