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RE: length does matter (was Re: How Much is too Little?)

--- Kelvin Bailey <prestokelvo at hotmail_com> wrote:

Hmm...  Karin did, however, say right
> before singing 'Jesus In 
> New Orleans' something to the effect of "Some folks
> on the digest were able 
> to figure out the lyrics to this one.  I guess my
> diction's getting better." 
>   I kind of winced 'cause I know I mentioned her
> diction once.

How funny!  And it was me who said I had no problem
with her diction and "I" posted the lyrics... hmmm

Interestingly enough too, the hardest part for me to
hear was the chorus because of the way she stretches
out cra--zy.  But it's that part that sends chills up
and down my spine everytime.  I can sing that chorus
to myself and it comforts me to know that someone else
out there understands how crazy this whole world is. 
It sounds corny, but it really helps me to focus on
what I need to focus on by reminding me that not
everything makes sense and sometimes we do screw up
and put to death the ones we need the most.  Just
re-reading that line is giving me chills now--and for
all that, I thank you, Karin.  :)

So there you go!


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