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Re: Help! I need an "older timer" than me who can remember...

--- Bruce Lachey <b_lachey at hotmail_com> wrote:

> Nope, no Murder single that I know of.  Just that CD
> you're talking about. 

Cool, I'm finally rounding out my collection of
recordings. I still need almost all the compilation
discs, and a few more of the BGV guest appearances by
Karin on some other bands recordings--hey speaking of
which--anybody seen that video of the Junkies with K&L
doing backup vocals and piano?  It's hard to focus on
the Junkies as I'm such an avid OtR fan. but it's
great to be albe to pull out Karin's voice at times. 
I really can't hear her on the Open CD--can anyone?


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