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RE: OTR frustration?

From: Zayne S <wrosesongs at yahoo_com>
>I was talking to a co-worker yesterday about how great
>it would be the see OTR get wide spread national
>attention. We would love to see them do the talk show
>circuit like Leno and Letterman

<<You know, I think I like where they are. I dont know if I want to see them 
on Letterman or Leno...well maybe...But I dont want to see them played on 
MtV or anything like that. (depressing) I feel like I've found a bit of a 
treasure with OtR...I'm always trying to get others to listen tho. :) 
>WRLT radio in Nashville plays Give me Strength in
>moderate rotation. It's awesome hearing them come
>through the car speakers.
<<<Ahh to hear them on the radio would just be awesome...we have no cool 
stations like that around here.

> >>>>McCloud wrote:
>Here in the Orchard, I get the sense that
>everyone is pretty much happy with where OTR is
>right now. They haven't hit the big time; in
>fact, they haven't reached the level of an artist
>like Bruce Cockburn [snip]
>The only time I've heard OTR broadcast was the
>single, whose name escapes me now, from "FFR"
>while I was chowing on a burrito at Taco Bell.<<<

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