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Re: They're comin' back!

On 3/20/02 7:25 PM, quoth the effervescent OncleBoo at aol_com at 
OncleBoo at aol_com:

>Now I've got to figure out if I'm gonna hit any of those besides the show 
>LA.  San Diego's the closest and is on a Friday, so it seems like a logical 
>choice.  Not sure yet if I can rationalize any of the others though.

If you need help, Steve, we're here for you.

>If I see just two of those six shows, that'll mean I'll have seen OtR 4 
>in a six month span, which almost seems excessive.  Nonetheless, I think 
>calls for a resounding "Woot!"   (Hmmm...  I think that was my first woot 
>this list, for whatever that's worth.)

Sniff, sniff. I'm so proud!

And hell, I saw 'em twice in one night, when I was expecting it to be the 
same set twice. And that's mild! You blew your frequent flier miles to 
come to the Taft show! No, you're not excessive.

>Anyway, just thought I'd share.

Which is why we adore you.

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