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Re: New Alanis

J B wrote:

> Like I said in a previous post I downloaded all of the OTR albums
> except Films which I bought the day it came out.Then I fell in love with the
> band and thier "situation" and BOUGHT all of them.Because in MY opinion they
> deserve the sale,and because they need the money to eat and tour. <snip>
> Bottom line is everyone makes thier own personal decision on how
> they support artists they care about now,and artists I like and care about
> will always get my support in alot of ways.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.  This is something that I have thought a lot
about too.  And one of the things I have determined is that I can't come up with
a ethic for everyone, or tell someone else what they should do.  For myself, I'm
okay with burning copies of cds to see if I like it, and if I listen to it a
lot, I should really support the artist by purchasing it.  Especially with the
types of artists that I typically listen to, like Over the Rhine and Pedro the
Lion, for example who aren't making millions.  And I'll DL a few songs, maybe
even burn a mix cd.  And I like to have the liner notes and stuff anyway.  It's
a tough issue.

np: Julianna Theory, emotion is dead

"and the stories in my pockets are the best I've ever lived" -Sarah Masen

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