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Re: Nine Inch Nails and other sundries

<< the "christian vs. secular" dichotomy seems
 really pointless and futile anyhow, on many
 IMO I'd go as far as to say the dichotomy is completely false --- a lie.
It's like saying that we can slice away certain chunks of reality from God's 
greater reality and call them slices "ours".  
  Of course I also believe that Christ, in some mysterious way,  is redeeming 
back the entire world not just our souls.

> I am a big fan of Trent Reznor's work.
 Well, keeping in mind what I just said above I would see any talent the man 
has as coming from God whether he acknowledges it or not and could praise 
that and his dedication to that talent and I do take great joy in listening 
to many musicians who are not Christian by seeing music this way but at the 
same time I also try to listen to artists who are, in some way, trying to 
bring healing into a sick world.  I can't honestly say I know much of Trent 
but what I have heard seems to be contributing to the sickness and not the 
healing. But  I couldn't get beyond "I wanna F**K you like an animal" so I 
don't know the his work in total or it's general emphasis.
  A quote I once heard said something like "The first artistic act was God 
creating form out of chaos and every artist since, on a lesser scale, is 
imitating that first act."
I'd go on to say they are also trying to bring form back to a world that has 
again become a chaos. Darkness in art should always be about revealing and 
cursing the darkness never praising it (a painting of the atrocities of war 
for example) or, if you will, showing us all the lies that simmer underneath 
the worlds we invent for ourselves: (the movie Metropolis) Of course I'm 
speaking more generally about art itself than about Trent personally since, 
as I said, I haven't really listened to him enough, I'm  just going by a gut 
reaction to what I have heard.


np, peter himmelman:the musings of someone
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