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Re: Jennifer Connely/Powerpuff Girls

>From: "Peter T. Chattaway" >Of the Connelly films, I have seen only these 
>ones: [snip]

>And of those, I loved _Dark City_ (so much so that it was my favorite film
>of 1998) and I thought the others were so-so at best. Well, okay, I liked
>_The Rocketeer_ too, the first time I saw it, but the second time I saw
>it, I began to find it a tad dull.

Since these are the only two JC films I've already seen, you've just saved 
me alot of time.  Thanks again!  Maybe I'll check "Labrinyth" though.

Your tastes and mine are obviously VERY compatible, so I'll take what you 
say as gospel, which means literally in mattspeak.  "Dark City" is da bomb.  
I love Roger Ebert's commentary on the DVD!  Wish he'd do more...

It matters little in the long run, as I'm SO over Jennifer Connely. My new 
celebrity crush is Tara Strong, who voices Bubbles the Powerpuff Girl.  I 
saw her in the promo for the forthcoming PPG film on the "Meet the 
Beat-Alls" DVD that I bought last night.  Imagine a beautiful adult woman 
speaking rather naturally like a five year old.  (I'm not sick, just 
attracted to sweetness/innocence.)

Well, anyway , Connie Cellica is spoken for, Megumi Hayasibara speaks little 
English, and Love-Hewitt is too young...

Cinderella searching,


np: Fold Zan "Kingplanet"

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