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Jennifer Connely

>From: "Barry S. Lawlor" <blawlor at cox_rr.com>
>Also saw "A Beautiful Mind".  Russell Crowe was wonderful.  Made me tense 
>watch his struggle.  Sold me on his character.  Jennifer Connely was good,
>but I liked her better in "The Rocketeer...lol  She seems to have grown
>"hard" as she has grown older, I don't know how to explain....so I won't.

I get it!  I had a crush on her years back, after "the Rocketeer".  (No LOLs 
about it, that was quality cinema.)  Didn't see her again until "Dark City", 
which was a true masterpiece, BTW, and she seemed the same, just older.  
However, I caught her being interviewed by Conan the other night.  What?  
"She's very nice and isn't talking trash, but who is this woman posing as 
Jennifer Connely?", I thought.  Really, she seems like a different person.  
Looks different too, tough she didn't have makeup on.  I think she's lost 
too much weight, as her face was all bone.  (Yes girls, that is very 

I miss the starry-eyed and voluptous innocent I adored in my youth... (sigh)

What else was she in, besides "Career Oppourtunities" and "Mulholland Falls 
(or Drive)"?  (Never saw 'em.)

Down with Slim Fast,


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