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Re: i knew i hated snow...

>From: JLuvzMusyk at aol_com
>the city of pittsburgh did nothing about the snow on the roads this 
>and so, on the way to church i spun out of control, did a 180, hit the rock
>face on the side of the road, and ended up doing another 180, landing on 
>side of the road facing the correct direction.  *sigh*

Just so the list knows, the local news reported several accidents in the 
greater Pittsburgh area today.  A couple of single car incident survivors 
even were featured on the news, with pretty similar stories.  Actually, 
Jessyka is a very skilled and courageous driver.

>i'm ok (except i think that, due to my seat belt, i'll be wearing 
>for the next several weeks),

Well, you'll be stylish, anyways.  Glad to hear you are okay.

But why hate snow so much?  Yes, this incident is horrible, and yes, it is 
very COLD, but its not all bad.  Have you noticed how lovely everything is?  
How picturesque?  How...pure?  Do you know that Cowboy Junkies song: "Have 
you ever had the pleasure of watching a quiet winter's snow slowly gathering 
like simple moments adding up"?

So, go outside and just look straight up into the sky.  Now.  It a religious 
experience, I tell you.  Helps you to visualize the depth of the infinite 
and put yourself into the proper comparable perspective.  So run outside and 
shed your clothes.  (Okay, don't do that last bit- save it for the when you 
hear the "rain admidst the thunder".)

Okay, having said that, here's the ironic next part of the Junkies tune: 
"Have you ever satisfied a gut feeling to follow a dry dirt road that's 
beckoning you to the heart of a shimmering sumer's day", and later, here's a 
bit that reminds me of something you'd asked me recently: "Have you ever 
felt more fresh or wonderful as when you wake by the side of that boy or 
girl who has pledged their love to you".

The point- be happy!  Find the good in life at all times, in the simple 
things!  Yes, there are greener pastures out there, but there's ultimately 
no need for you to transfer and move south- happiness is right where you are 
now.  Its all around you, for the taking!  (Until you see the bill, anyway.)

Keep smilin',

Matt :-)

"If you can't conceive of better lines and of better times then let silence 
bury you in the end it will be you condemned."  -Midnight Oil "White Skin 
Black Heart"

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