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Re: second person plural

In a message dated 1/6/02 8:02:39 AM Central Standard Time, 
petert at interchange_ubc.ca writes:

<< Good gravy, I just remembered another expression I use sometimes -- while
 "y'all" is the more common term, for me, I do sometimes use "you lot", >>

I haven't heard mention of the one my old Irish boss uses to say all the time:
"you 'n' yours".  I haven't heard it again since and that was in the 
mid-seventies so perhaps it was his own invention.  I remember it always used 
to crack me up because he had a particularly strong Irish accent and when he 
said that he sounded, for some reason, like he was trying to say it with a 
heavy southern drawl that didn't come out quite right.


np: Stanley Jordan: Magic Touch

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