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Re: RE: can't we just do 2001 again

--- Coyote Lazarus <coyote_laz at hotmail_com> wrote:
> So, my preference is for Ya'll (even though the
> proper contraction would be 
> y'all, ya'll is a preferred variant) not because
> it's gender unspecific, but 
> beause it is closer to the ideas that I picked up
> in4 years of high school 
> spanish.

So now we're going to make decisions on proper pronoun
usage based on ideas you picked up in high school?  In
I retract a smiley face.  :(

> actually being an English academic for a bit
> and any picking on my english in the post will be
> chuckled at, so nyah!

Why waste a perfectly good vowel when you could just
say ppppffffffttttttttttttttt!


What if the hokey-pokey really IS what it's all about?!?

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