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Re: questions i combined (no otr)

>From: "Peter T. Chattaway"

I wrote:
You've probably all heard how we use a small
> > portion of our brain's total capacity, right?
>I believe this is a myth.
Aw, gee-whiz.  Ya spoiled my fun theory.  Naw, I think I keep it.

> > However, I don't know about the supposition that sin has made us "less
> > than human".  I've always regarded sin as the thing that defines our
> > human nature as being as apart from God.

>Our *current* nature, yes.  But separation from God is not inherent to
>human nature, not if the myth of Adam and Eve has any truth to it.

Yeah, I kinda convinced myself you were right about this as I wrote that 
post, in case you hadn't noticed.  Thanks again!

>Well, as you may know, Daniel Amos albums often take a while to grow on
>the band's fans, and I am therefore of two minds when it comes to how
>quickly and how readily everyone seems to have cottoned to this album.  I
>like it a lot, but for me, it's not quite the band's best stuff (which,
>for me, would be 1987's _Darn Floor - Big Bite_, followed closely by
>1993's _Motor Cycle_ ... or was that a 1992 album?  Anyhoo).

Wow.  Our tastes are different.  What's your favorite tune from 
"Motorcycle"?  (I like the first three and "Wise Acres") As for me, I tend 
to prefer "Kalhoun" above all the others.  Stellar album from "go" to 

How about that first box set M8 put out?  I'm not sure if I'd like the 
techno-era DA, as I REALLY disiked "Vox Humana".  Always wanted to hear 
"Alarma" though, and I liked "Darn Floor" just fine, especially "The Shape 
of Air", "Strange Animals" and "Pictures of the Gone World."  The ancient 
country and western sounding DA is being made available again, isn't it?  
How about that second box set, that out yet?  "Orange Grotesteques" vol 2?

trying to change the subject,


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