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Re: OTR food.

I think we just found someone who ought to cater the next listie brunch...  :)

We'll see when the next concert is.

This list is getting to be murder on my ego.  I used to think I was well-read, but you listies redefined that term for me.  I used to think that I was a decent cook, but I'm quite sure I couldn't come close to what Steve's doing/has done.  I think I'm gonna go mope for a while...

Don't mope.  You are probably a very good cook.  The difference between a good cook and a great cook is only experimentation and a willingness to fail.  You also need to be willing to listen and learn from anyone you come across.

One last thing...  how many Steves are around here now?  It's starting to get confusing, even for me.

Only two that I know of, you and me.

Michigan Steve