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Re: Nothings safe

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Chris Ramsdale wrote:

> Thought'd I'd throw my two bits in.  Hi, i'm another Chris, btw.  Not
> a fellow, btw (Rhys, Judah, Chris...we are all confusing...or
> confused).

i am n*not* confused... everyone else is. (:

> I hoped off and on the list a couple years ago and decided to poke my
> head back in and see how ya'll are doing.  Recently removed to Seattle
> (love it) I have to say i'm jealous of everyone with access to the
> Christmas Show.

i will listen special for you. or i could sneak niko into the show - think
she might like it? she stares at the speakers when we play music
sometimes, and when karin sings.

> cheaper than chicken, ya know.  But recently the best argument I've
> heard for not eating meat is so much of it is totally over injected
> with antibiotics and it is causing bacteria to be even more resistant.
> As if the overprescribing of them isn't enough.

very true. not to mention all the nasty things growing in it anyway...

> but then vegetables are all covered with chemicals.  Nothing is safe.
> I learned this week that they have to spray apples to death because
> the only ones that taste good come from grafts and clones.  Since the
> trees aren't developing at all, they can't build any defenses against
> the bugs...but the bugs keep developing defenses against the
> pesticides, so they have to spray more and more.  Grapes and cucumbers
> are pretty bad too.

i've had good wild apples and grapes. cucumbers... um. no.

but you can wash all the gross stuff off vegetables.

> I still eat them.  ya gotta eat something.  Maybe I'll just stick to
> chips and salsa.

ew. know what those are made of'?  unless you want to make the tortillas
yourself... (:

carrots are like candy to me.

meat is like vegetables.


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