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Re: Request and New Thread

> Also, I was wondering if anyone on the list has seen the film "Waking Life"
> and if so, what you thought of it.

I saw it saturday and thought it was phenomenal.  The artwork was fantastic,
and I quite enjoyed the musings on life, meaning, dreams, etc.  I appreciated
the point that the guy made in "the holy moment" about the difference between
narrative and film, and I think that speech was in a sense a justification of
the style of the film.  A series of moments.  It felt like a carefully
constructed jazz improvisation (if you will excuse the oxymoron), and I really
liked the way the seemingly unrelated monologues formed a temporal collage.
The animation was fantastic in its hyperrealism, and gave the film a riveting
look (although I did get a little seasick towards the end :-)).  I went with
some friends, and we went to a pub afterward and talked for well over an hour
about connections, physics, dreams, all kinds of stuff.  That, to me, is what
movies at their best are all about, and I have no reservations about giving
Waking Life four stars.  I can't wait to get it on DVD so I can go back over
some of the speeches and really mull them over.

Suddenly, after a looong dry spell, there are about six movies playing that
I want to go see.  I got to "The Man Who Wasn't There" and "Waking Life", 
and now I need to see "Amelie" and "Novocaine" before they move on.  Oh, and
I suppose I'll go catch "Monsters Inc" and "Harry Potter", as well, but there's
no rush on those.  :-)

Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/
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