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Bird by Bird

In a message dated 11/19/01 3:29:06 AM Central Standard Time, Owner-Over-The-Rhine at actwin_com writes:

I'm re-reading Bird By Bird now to get me fired up about writing
again.  I love that book too.  So there's a double recommendation.  Has
anyone else read her stuff?

I'm a fan and find myself rereading the book when I need a writing lift.  I'll never forget the first time I read her chapter on rough drafts.  I hadn't realized there were others who were afraid they might die before getting to rewrites and who worried that people would read the roughs and think the worst. <g>  Nothing like a paranoid writer.

I also subscribe to The Sun magazine (Wonderful Magazine for fiction, essays and articles) and she has had some great articles in there as well. 

I'm currently reading Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass.  This book has been the buzz in some writing circles lately.  

Rinda, singing along to "Latter Days" 
