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Re: Million Dollar Hoteln -- Star wars

I think perhaps you are right, about relative age and Star Wars characters.
I myself, at a wisened 18, am somewhere in between old and not-so-old and I
think Ewoks are extremely cool, and that Jar-Jar is slightly annoying,
although at times humorus.  The Anaquin kid did bother me a little.  In
general I feel much more attatched to the characters in the origional
trilogy, partially, I think, because there are three movies of them, and
partially because I grew up on Star Wars.
Re: sequels and Indiana Jones.  Indiana Jones is the coolest.  I have a huge
thing for Harrison Ford, largely because of Star Wars, but I think he's great
as Indiana.  All the movies are cool, but the interplay between Ford and Sean
Connery in The Last Crusade is classic.  Which reminds me, I've heard rumors
about the possibility of a fourth movie, although not for a while.  I wonder
if they were true or fake.  Hmmm.
Heather Graham: yes.  She is defiately annoying.

Okay, I do believe that's all I had to say about that.  I'm probably talking
too much for a newbie anyway.  By the way, I really like OTR.  And I think
Films For Radio is fabulous.


np: King of Fools, Delirious

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