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Re: The Puritan view of sexuality (no OtR)

Don Smith wrote:

>>This is not to say they were without their faults.  .... They have certainly
>>gotten a "bad rap".
> My only beef with them is that they imprisoned, tortured and executed Quakers.

Yeah and they tried and convicted and executed Anne Hutchinson for being 
a witch on the grounds that: A- she was holding a Bible study in her 
home, and B- she midwived a birth that ended up being stillborn and then 
a few months leter her own child was stillborn.
The Puritans didn't bother much with trying to convert the Native 
Americans because they were going to hell regardless, so what did it matter?
When the Puritan took over England (this was when Cromwell was "Lord 
Protector", they cancelled Christmas.

While the Puritans may have liked sex between men and women (who were 
married), they *didn't* think that said married sex was a good thing in 
and of itself. It was only good because in having sex, they werre 
fulfilling God's command. Having sex was not much more different than 
praying or executing withces, in terms of *why* it was done. I 
personally find that kind of creepy.
The very fact that they had to legislate sex- that they had to make it a 
*law* for people to have sex with each other and that they gave them the 
right to take each other to "court" over it means that there was 
something seriously messed up about their culture. Normal, healthy human 
beings who are comfortable with thier bodies don't need a law to tell 
them to have sex. We tend to make to laws to control, inhibit or 
encourage behavior. If I recall, said Puritan law was instituted 
prcisely because the natural consequences of the Puritian world view was 
leading people to asceticism.


np- My wife, playing guitar

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