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Re: the accent mark (no OTR)

Jacob Mishler <mishler77 at yahoo_com> wrote:
>Black Draver used the word:
> >soirée.
>in a sentence.
>who can tell me how to make my keyboard do that accent
>mark over a letter?

     Hold down the "alt" key and type "130" on the
numeric keypad then release the "alt" key.  The num
lock needs to be on.

     Windows lets you select characters by number by
holding down the "alt" key while typing the ascii
sequence number on the numeric keypad. It uses a normal
decimal number.  Anything over 127 could look different
depending on things like unicode "code pages" and the
Internet Explorer "View: Encoding" for language

     I keep a list of these by my computer.  I
wrote "sometimes" for those characters that did
not look the same on the screen as it does on my
notecard.  My browser is set to "Western European

lower case:
a: 160 á, 133 à, 131 â, 132 ä
e: 130 é, 138 è, 136 ê, 137 ë
i: 161 í, 141 ì, 140 î, 139 ï
o: 162 ó, 149 ò, 147 ô, 148 ö
u: 163 ú, 151 ù, 150 û, 129 ü

not as many in upper case:
a: 142 Ä, (sometimes 194)
e: 144 É, (sometimes 202)
i: (sometimes 206)
o: 153 Ö, (sometimes 212)
u: 154 Ü (sometimes 219)

some miscellaneous:
134 å, 143 Å, ( sometimes 230, 198)
135 ç, 128 Ç
164 ñ, 165 Ñ
(sometimes 208, 240, 222, 254)

--Rick C

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