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Re: Lara's CD Query

--- Lara Conrad <laraaustin at yahoo_com> wrote:
> Well, I agree that Ecetera Whatever has some nice
> words....but isn't it
> kinda slow and whiney?

slow and whiney?!!!  aughhhhh.  no it is minimalistic,
hip to the nth degree.  well written and idealistic
with a shadow of sadness across it's face.  trendy
will fade and date itself:  this song is building to a
classic...i think we are suggesting sad songs because
when everyone is listening to this cd, before they
shelf it , they will have the desperate longing for
what was and not yet quite want to move on to another
section in their lives.  these are songs that will
perpetuate their meloncholy for so long as they need
it to be there while building the courage for the next
step.  but i do see your delemma.

and thanks for responding, turns out i do exist, i do

kind regards,

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