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Mum, what's a Pagan?

On 9/24/01 11:26 PM, quoth the effervescent Hazel410 at aol_com at 
Hazel410 at aol_com:


But describing a ritual without putting it in context doesn't convey the 
real meaning of it. There's a lot of info out there on Paganism that 
doesn't make all Pagans sound like loons. (Not that some of them aren't 
loons, but they're usually good friends, and I know they'd be loons were 
they Pagans, Buddhists, or Seventh-Day Adventists.) 


http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/robotics1/pagan.htm (A really nifty one!)

http://www.goodnet.com/~merlyn/druid.htm (Tons of info-- even how to 
balance your checkbook.)

http://www.newage.com.au/occult.pagan/pagan1.html (Brief definitions-- 
quick and to the point. Also a good reading list.)

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