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Peter Mulvey

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention this earlier.  Last Saturday I worked a Peter
Mulvey show here in Ann Arbor, and he said he was working on a new album, which
would be all cover tunes, and recorded in a subway station (he didn't say which
subway station, though).  He also had Brother Rabbit Speaks and Rain available
together in a reprint edition, so if any of you missed these CDs on the first
run, you've got another shot.  :-) If you haven't seen Peter, he opened for OtR
a few times, and he's a brilliant singer-songwriter, and just a darned nice
guy, too.

I'll be working a show this saturday that's a double bill with Susan Werner and
Ellis Paul!  Woo hoo!  I don't know if either of them has an OtR connection,
but they're both really good.  :-)

See ya,
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

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