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Re: don't shout. teach...and ask a question

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Kelvin Bailey wrote:

> Recently I've noticed that your posts are coming in dated as a date
> long passed.  This one entered my inbox as August 28 and it fell well
> down in the middle of all the ones I have saved and not yet moved to
> another box.  Do you know why this is happening?

in all likelihood it's:

his computer clock is set incorrectly (most likely)

the server through which his mail goes has an incorrect time configuration
(it's possible)

or the conspiracy involving crickets and watches has blown into a fully
developed plan complete with sentient microrobots which run around
re-writing x-envelope settings in such a way that the brilliant sendmail
cannot detect it is being fooled, and therefore the mail reaches people
days after it seemed to have been sent - creating the illusion that
someone is a prophet. (:

> Oh yeah...Thanks for yet another insightful, well spoken post.

ditto off me too fredo.


they are really only a funny sort of we. kipling (?)

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