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Re: Do unto others

Kelvin Bailey wrote:
> --- Troy Miller <yort5thor at yahoo_com> wrote:
> > Either way, starting a war with them over this isn't
> > going to solve
> > anything, IMHO.
> and sitting back doing nothing will accomplish even less.

True, but that's hardly what I said.

I'm not sure "what Jesus would do" in this situation, or what I should
feel if I should look on this objectively and as a so-called enlightened
person - but what I do feel is probably close to what most Americans
feel:  bomb the bastards.  Or, as one person on the morning show said
today, kill them, dig 'em up, and kill 'em again.  And yes, I know that,
as one person said, they were just doing what they thought was right, and
getting revenge against the American infidels, etc, etc - but that's a
shitty excuse for ramming two planes into two 110-story buildings full of
civilians.  I don't care what we've done to them (and I'm sure we have),
that is inexcuseable.

I may even go so far as to forgive - well, not so much forgive as
"understand", really - the attack on the Pentagon, as that's in many
respects a military compound.  (Don't misunderstand - even if they had
only hit the Pentagon, I'd still be for retaliation).  But attacking
civilians like that, unarmed, unwarned - I think not.

But what many - or perhaps I should just say some - are advocating is
doing the exact thing back to them.  One extreme conservative at my
workplace wants to drop a nuclear bomb on one of their most populated
cities.  How in the hell is that going to help?  We've just become as bad
- or one could say worse, as the death toll and fallout would be much
greater - as the terrorists who hit the WTC.

And I sincerely hope that our government will not do this.  Find the
terrorists, yes, and bomb the #(%& out of them.  Or even, at the most
extreme, attack the Afgani government sheltering them, if that's what it
comes to (and I hope it doesn't).  But if we do, lets not be as sloppy as
we often are, just dropping bombs any old place.  If this is to be war,
then fight the soldiers, not the civilians.  And some civilian casualties
on both sides will likely occur by accident or perhaps by necessity, as it
does in war.  But the attack on the WTC was not such an accident or
necessity, and I just pray we don't knee-jerk react in kind.

So all I'm asking is that, as I think someone said (possibly quoting from
_Thirteen Days_, or maybe real life), is that calm heads will prevail.  I
don't expect everything to go perfectly, or everything to be totally just
and all.  I just hope it doesn't become the worst of human nature with
everyone seeking revenge on everyone else for an ever increasing number of
things in an ever broadening scope, until it does become the next great

Anyway, I hope that clears things up.

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