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Re: Chris

anita said:

> As much as I'd like to be forgiving and understanding, Chris' 
>  comment (read just now, since I just got home and checked mail) literally 
>  turned my stomach just as much as the dancing cheering Palestinians.  How 
>  utterly utterly heartless.

i'm going to be completely honest and say that chris' comment did get a 
snicker out of me...mostly, i think, because of the shock of the situation.

but as for the cheering palestinians...this also really saddens me.  however, 
i agree with whoever it was (tc in texas maybe?) who said that if we were 
told that all of our problems were created by those in the united states...we 
would be dancing and cheering, too.  think about it.  whenever we find out 
who did this, and whenever we "get them back," i think i know many, many 
americans who will be out in street dancing and cheering.

i, personally, will be hanging my head in sorrow.

peace to everyone.

*hugz and kisses*
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