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Current events, List arguments, DM's impersonation of Silent Bob

Good Morning,
        At least, let's hope its better than yesterday.

Those of you who know me, know I am not usually up at this hour. But last 
night, I fought grief the way irish often do and decided to stay in bed till 
I woke up. Which was an hour ago.

The truth is I am still a little shocky.

September 11th


National cry for help.

This is almost too much to handle. The first thing I saw when I got up 
yesterday was the twin towers collapsing. The first reaction I had was 
"that's a sloppy way to impolde a building, my dad (a retired ironworker) 
would laugh... wonder why their bringing down the WTC... wait THAT"S NOT 
The only thing my housemate heard was the end of that thought..

Holy shit.

He filled me in, ending with, oh, and class is cancelled.

Kent State Never closes. It was the one thing I had to call people to 

That's a state of shock.

the "Greatest generation" has often scolded those who came after them (esp. 
us detested Gen Xers) because we never faced any of their great trials.

Well, all that changed.

I try not to jump the gun and realize the wisdom of my elders- so , after 
hearing the comparisons to Pearl Harbor, I called some people who were 

My grand parents.

The consensus: (hold on to your seats folks, D.M. Doesn't say stuff like 

They were bot unprvoked sneak attacks
Pearl Harbor was a military instillation with a death toll of 8,000 (by one 
realtive's account).
The World trade center alone was a civillian target with a possible death 
toll of 50,000.

This is an act of war.


(good god ya'all)

I have had, till this point, no faith in the second coming of Bush, who is 
possibly the most, well, flat out the most stupid man ever to sit in the 
white house.

I never expected a situation where he could instill some faith in me.

Unfortunaly, that faith lies in retalliation.

Welcome to the world, Wanda June.

Hopefully in one of the shortest wars ever- meaning- wiping who ever is 
harboring the parties responsible off the map if they don't turn them over.

And should they turn them over- What happened to Mussolini comes to mind.

Chris Emery, in the light of the days events, said something rather 
tackless. Although, its also a thought that until yesterday, many peace 
loving Americans had.

The pentagon, however, is a military target. One of the most obvious.

Let us not forget also that who ever is responsible for this (Afganistan, 
Palistine) believes that this is sending them to heaven

I won't further here the argument on what has killed more people, Religion, 
or military reqruitment ads.
For this is not the matter at hand.

What there is to do now is, stay calm. Remind loved ones how much they mean 
to you. Donate blood. This is a personal call to me, I'm really iffy on 
giving blood, but am doing so today because I am also a universal donor.
And be good to your fellow Americans.
We are at war,
But it may, at least for a little while, make us a country again.

To all of you out there,
Good Morning, Good Day, and Good Evening, America


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