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Re: Re: etc. No OtR content

On 7/22/01 2:30 AM, quoth soberman_69 at hotmail_com:

>We are all diseased.  Sin is disease of the soul and we've all got it.  It 
>would be tragic if gays and bis felt singled out.

Not in my worldview. I was raised that we're all wonderful but the world 
isn't always, and we  should strive to help ourselves and those around 
us, and leave said world a better place for our having lived in it. 

I hold no truck with the concept of original sin-- I think it's a silly 
idea, personally, that we're all somehow intrinsically, sadly, flawed 
from birth. But if that's what floats your boat, it's none of my business.

>Ysoie, let's get to the nitty gritty.  Tell me what you really think...about 
>the recent annoucement that there will be no Buffy/Angel crossovers this 
>year.  Also, did you see "Ghost World" yet and how does it compare to the 
>comic? (Heck, anyone see it?)

Haven't seen Ghostworld, and I think the no-crossover thing is bullshit. 
They're both in the same Buffyverse, for G-d's sake. Unless, when Buffy 
gets resurrected, she's somewhere else. It seems likely that Giles is 
going to have his own show in England, now, so if Joss can even _discuss_ 
that and it's not some major, clever smokescreen, who knows what's going 
to happen to the Scoobs.

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