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Re: Cornerstone dismay

> > How the hell am I supposed to reconcile my lesbianism with an overall
> > attitude of some (seems like most) christians that my homosexuality is
> > dysfunctional and not compatible with christianity?

I actually had a problem with a *number* of Cornerstone's seminars, when I
went there last year, because they all seemed rather slanted and didactic,
rather than dialogical.  This would apply to their seminars on sexuality
and evolution in particular; I didn't attend the others.

It was definitely a far cry from Greenbelt, a Christian music festival in
England which I attended in 1994, where, if anything, the debate on
homosexuality may have been slanted too far in the *opposite* direction.

> As for whether or not homosexuality qualifies as "sin", well, that
> question is up for debate at the moment, isn't it.

It is indeed -- but not at Cornerstone.  And that's the problem.

> Personally, I've never found it difficult to accept the idea that I'm
> scum. I know myself all too well.

FWIW, I think Christians tend to overplay this notion that we're all scum,
or that we're all wretched, deplorable, horrible little things.  At our
core, the fact remains, we're made in God's image.  And no matter how
twisted that image has become in some of us, it's still there.

--- Peter T. Chattaway --------------------------- peter at chattaway_com ---
 "I detected one misprint, but to torture you I will not tell you where."
      Winston Churchill to T.E. Lawrence, re Seven Pillars of Wisdom

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