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Re: okay then

>From: Kelvin Bailey <prestokelvo at yahoo_com>

>Things I'm tired of reading about on this list:
[list snipped]

>Anyone else?
>It's a frikkin free for all!

Kelvo, I really like and respect you, but this sort of thing has got no 
place here.  The eclecticism of this list is great, and I love watching 
these threads unravel as we all deconsturuct the meanings of life, the 
universe and everything.  The myriad directions these threads can go into... 
  We are all crawling towards the light, slowly.

I've not been actively posting for long, but have lurked for years because 
this list has matured a bit and is getting along better, recent lapses 
nonwithstanding.  To tell one group of people that you are tired of reading 
about what they are interested in writing because they've said the same to 
you about Jesus is not the answer.  Believe me, if you start deleting topics 
from the list of acceptability, and this goes for either side, then pretty 
soon you will be left, via the process of elimination, with just Over the 
Rhine to talk about.  There is nothing wrong with that as it is the 
ostensible function of this list, but it is rather limiting and the 
discussion risks becoming rather trite.  Believe me, those uptight Midnight 
Oil fans could learn a thing from the way this list comports itself, 
generally speaking.  Diversity is a blessing, not a curse!

People gotta respect each other!
>"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy that sustained him during 
>temporary periods of joy."
>                                -- W.B. Yeats

Actually, if there is one thing I am tired of reading... (this goes for all 
you quote mongers.)  ;-)
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