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Re: karin, poles, trilogies, and machines

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Dan Temmesfeld wrote:

> > np:Saviour Machine - Legend I
> ooo... SM - Legend III is supposed to come out
> sometime near the end of this year.  double-disc
> set, full orchestration, etc.  eric clayton is a
> genius... but he's a damn procrastinator (tee
> hee... j/k).  i remember the full trilogy was
> targeted for completion in january 1999.  :)

I have a problem with Saviour Machine.  I like their work, but their
End Times thrust really puts me on edge.  The reason that the trilogy was
supposed to be done in 1999 was that Clayton really, truly believed that
the world would come to an end in the year 2000, and that the Tribulation
would be upon us by about this time.

I get tired of this sort of thing.  Those bloody _Left Behind_ books do
the same thing, as does _late, great planet earth_ (which at least was
written better than the pablum/drek that is the Left Behind media
presence), as did _Thief in the Night_.  Just because they set it to
kick-ass music does not mkae it anymore enjoyable to me.  Frankly, if
anything, they just make the book of Revelation sound like just a cheap,
hokey myth that needs to get updated for every version of new technology
or spat between America and somebody we don't like at the moment.  Anybody
recall when Gorbachev was the Anti-Christ?  Or for that matter, when
Saddam Hussein was supposed to be?  Makes me wonder if the more
reactionary segments of christian culture is underwritten by the more
hawkish elements at the Pentagon.

-Drew J, who may be opening a can of worms with his can of whupass.

O ^ ^   Drew Johnson - djohnson at snowplow_org - Ld Robert Bartholomew       )
O(_|_)         Looking for the cheese shop since the year 2000             X
O Check out splat.melm.org (monkey at melm_org) & goats.com (drew at goats_com)  |

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