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RE: over the rhine in philly last night

Greg's right. If you have to drive across the country to see them this time
around, do it. They were *really* great the other night! The FFR songs have
so much power live. Jack's guitar is much more apparent than on the album,
and the Hammond really thickens up the sound -- very intense. I won't even
comment on Karin's voice, since everyone knows what she can do live. She's
never fails to amaze me! I do think, however, that she was a little tired.
Her voice sounded a little scratchy a couple of times. They had recorded
Live at the World Cafe that afternoon, so no surprise. Plus, they only did
one encore. So either her voice couldn't hold up, or they didn't think we
deserved it! (see next paragraph...)

I was disappointed for the band, though, because the crowd was pretty lame.
They (I guess "we") cheered pretty loudly after a few songs, but mostly it
sounded like polite clapping. No one seemed to notice that the end of
"Goodbye" was the end of the show until they stood up and left the stage. I
think the fact that the show started an hour late had something to do with
it. People seemed to be getting pretty restless by 10:00. The Willard Grant
Conspiracy probably didn't help either. Like Jason said, the guy had a good
voice, but 45 minutes of this guy was more than I could take. I think
Morrissey would have gotten depressed listening to him!

I was going too mention one amazing thing they did at the end of "Give Me
Strength" but I won't steal Ysoie's thunder, as I know she's presently
writing the definitive work on the concert! This thing they did was a
complete surprise to me (and it seemed lost on the crowd), but for those of
you who have already seen them this year, have they been sneaking "that"
into the end all this time?! I was blown away! Very cool!! I'm sure Ysoie
will fill you all in...


>        Linford looked like he was having the time of his 
> life, surrounded by 
> notes, smiling at his beautiful wife as she spit out sounds 
> that angels must 
> long to hear.  He smiled.  She sang.  Jack was incredible, as 
> was the rhythm 
> section.  I smiled.  And I decided to tell you all about it.  
> If you haven't 
> seen them on this tour yet, get in your car and drive.  drive 
> across the 
> country.  just make sure you get there and you enjoy it. God bless.
> greg
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