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OT: girlfriend in a coma

sorry to all you morrisey fans . . .

> Interesting that no one has mentioned "Girlfriend in
> a Coma" in the Coupland discussion! Anyone?

i really didn't like this book the first time i read
it.  in fact, i went into a minor depression after
finishing it.  but i then realized that the depression
caused my negative reading, not vice versa, so i
reread it, keeping in mind it was much like a vonnegut
story.  that seemed to help.  the ending still seemed
a bit odd to me, but there were plenty of moments
that, as with the best of coupland, made me want to
write them down.

good to find some other coupland readers among the OTR


'cause like all true believers
i am truly skeptical
of all that i have said

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