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RE: "Perfect" albums (was RE: beatles)

Sexy Dave C writes:
>> From: Nancy Wilson [mailto:nancy.wilson at totes_com]
>> Peter Gabriel - US
>_Us_ comes pretty close. "Steam" and "Digging in the Dirt" are somewhat
>forgettable, but decent songs, and after hearing the live version of
>"Washing of the Water," the studio version sounds really flat.
>I'd probably put _So_ on my list before _Us_ (they're both better albums
>than 99% of everything else out there though!)

So is a little more well-rounded and complete than Us, but still has a couple draggy spots ('Don't Give Up' comes to mind)

>> Honesty, Yes is too inconsistent to have any "Perfect" 
>> albums.  90125 would be there if it wasn't for the simply 
>> godawful 'City Of Love'   Drama is a favorite, but I often 
>> get impatient during 'Machine Messiah'.
>_Close To The Edge_ has that same continuity issue for me. "Siberian Khatru"
>is great, but doesn't mesh very well with "CTTE" and "And You And I," which
>are both marvelous.

I totally agree, Dave.  (surprise, surprise)  Three of my favorite songs, but they don't add up to superb continuity.

And don't even bring up 'The Yes Album' - tons of great songs, but it's just *all over* the fucking place.

>> Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (3rd album - melting face cover)

The first album side is probably the greatest collection of disturbingly dark and sexy music ever recorded.

>> From: Bruce Lachey [mailto:b_lachey at hotmail_com]
>> Sting - Soul Cages
>The first song on there is always a skipper, for me. Otherwise...

Nah, Dave.  It just HAS to start out that slow.  The album wouldn't flow otherwise.   I love the slow start, and the buildup and letdown at the end are just Perfect, so to speak.

>critical dave

Naturally.  But we love you that way.


NP: Din - 'On The Run'
Now with 75% more vitriol! (don't ask)
yesyou at yourmomisacunt_com

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