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RE: "Perfect" albums (was RE: beatles)

> From: Nancy Wilson [mailto:nancy.wilson at totes_com]
> Peter Gabriel - US

_Us_ comes pretty close. "Steam" and "Digging in the Dirt" are somewhat
forgettable, but decent songs, and after hearing the live version of
"Washing of the Water," the studio version sounds really flat.

I'd probably put _So_ on my list before _Us_ (they're both better albums
than 99% of everything else out there though!)

> From: Righteous Fury [mailto:yesyou at yourmomisacunt_com]

> Tales From Topographic Oceans has too much filler to be 
> considered "Perfect".  You can't really skip tracks on a 4 
> song double album, but there's definitely 5 minute segments 
> of 'The Ancient' that I'd fast forward through if I could.
> Relayer is brilliant, but too disjointed in places.  The 
> continuity isn't there like it is in an Avalon or Discipline.
> Honesty, Yes is too inconsistent to have any "Perfect" 
> albums.  90125 would be there if it wasn't for the simply 
> godawful 'City Of Love'   Drama is a favorite, but I often 
> get impatient during 'Machine Messiah'.

_Close To The Edge_ has that same continuity issue for me. "Siberian Khatru"
is great, but doesn't mesh very well with "CTTE" and "And You And I," which
are both marvelous.

> Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (3rd album - melting face cover)


> From: Bruce Lachey [mailto:b_lachey at hotmail_com]
> Sting - Soul Cages

The first song on there is always a skipper, for me. Otherwise...

critical dave
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