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Re: throwing rocks down the hill

Ysobelle wrote:

> I'm not saying there's anything
> wrong with those discussions. I'm just saying I have a certain quiet sigh
> around. I've tried to skim and skip, but then I find I've missed something
> to OtR that someone else references in a later post, and it gets difficult
to follow
> a thread sometimes.

Heh - now you know how it feels. <g>

Seriously, that's just the nature of a discussion list. I've quit this list
3 times over the last couple of years because the conversations became so
heavily skewed toward, well, /anything/ except OTR. And, yeah, I would find
myself missing out on interesting tidbits because I didn't have time to wade
through all the garbage about people's personal lives, other bands that have
no connection to OTR, a small group's personal interactions, etc.

You are absolutely correct - the Christianity debate can feel pretty played
out sometimes (though it often leads to other interesting discussions).
Nevertheless, I'm simply grateful that people are actually discussing Over
The Rhine.


paul christian glenn | pcg at runbox_com

"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you
tend to see every problem as a nail."
                - Abraham Maslow

"If we don't change direction soon, we'll
end up where we're going."
                 - Irwin Corey

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