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Re: F***

> > Perhaps because of the other negative connotations that go along with an
> > Xian band -- most notably "They suck," as well as the stigma of
> > proselytizing.
> Lots of bands, and more than a few entire genres, "suck", depending on who
> you talk to.  And lots of bands and artists shill for religious groups and
> political causes that strike their fancy

Yes. As I was going to point out before Peter so rudely usurped my rebuttal
<g>, almost /all/ bands and artists proselytize, and I can't help pointing
this out when people complain about Christian bands being "preachy". What
they really mean is that Christian bands are preaching about things that
they don't personally want to hear about. But the Smiths were preachy about
vegetarianism, Ani DiFranco is preachy about scads of social issues, U2 is
preachy about world hunger, Robyn Hitchcock is preachy about art, Marilyn
Manson is preachy about hedonism, most rap artists are preachy about
violence, Madonna is preachy about feminism, Limp Bizkit is preachy about
how utterly cool they consider themselves to be, etc.

Admittedly, most Christian proselytizing is ineffective and lame due to the
fact that it's done in a very cheesy manner, but preaching at concerts
certainly ain't unique to Christian artists.

Excuse me now, while I put away my soapbox.

(who rarely listens to Christian music anyway, but feels a need to defend
the few good Christian artists who are still out there)

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