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Re: If You See Kay

--- Sweet & Tender Hooligan <cirhsein at yahoo_com>
> This is fundamental to the nature of the debate,
> though, ain't it? I mean,
> people find a bit of hope/truth/inspiration/wonder
> in OtR's music, and
> therefore they become interested in what it's all
> about. Which, like it or
> not, because of choices the /band/ has made, is
> going to lead to the
> Christian/Non-Christian question. It's really a
> foolish thing to say,
> "Examine the band, glean what you can from them -
> but whatever you do,
> /don't/ inquire as to their spiritual status!"  I
> mean, really.

As for myself, If I'm gonna "glean" anything from
anybody or if they pique my interest with something
they say - especially on things spiritual - I will
definitely want to know what they're perspective is
before I attempt to figure out if and how to
incorporate it into my own ponderings.

> > no singular "tag" will ever fully describe what
> the makeup/chemistry is of

If someone were to label me conservative, liberal
(believe it or not, I get both), or some such thing, I
would probably take issue with that.  However, if
someone labelled me Christian I would definitely NOT
take issue.  That single word does pretty objectively
stand for something specific.  Despite however it may
be misused, it does mean something very specific.  In
light of that fact, I don't think it really falls
under what we typically mean by labelling - for the
most part.


"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy that sustained him during temporary periods of joy."
                               -- W.B. Yeats

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