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Re: If You See Kay

> peruse the digest/archives and you'll see how often this conversation
> popping up.

Oh, trust me, I know. <g>

> are we labelling the music? are we labelling the lyrics? are we labelling
> the style?

Yes. :)

> NO! the "immaturity" falls within the context of people "needing" to label
> the artist.

I don't know that anyone here /needs/ to label OtR. They just /like/ to.

> is it imperative? does it matter? will it somehow change something? will
> sleep better?

Who cares? It makes for fun and interesting conversations. For example, our
fellow listee Paul just this very day came into the knowledge of Linford's
previous lives as a result of this "immature" discussion. Why rant and rave
about it?

> we're ALL dealing with the same issues. whether we're believers or not.
> trying to find truths in this chaotic world. trying to understand the
> universe.
> trying to delve deeper into our & others psyche. trying to simply survive.

This is fundamental to the nature of the debate, though, ain't it? I mean,
people find a bit of hope/truth/inspiration/wonder in OtR's music, and
therefore they become interested in what it's all about. Which, like it or
not, because of choices the /band/ has made, is going to lead to the
Christian/Non-Christian question. It's really a foolish thing to say,
"Examine the band, glean what you can from them - but whatever you do,
/don't/ inquire as to their spiritual status!"  I mean, really.

> it is immature! trying to neatly package/label an artist is intrinsically
> superficial. it limits them & any present/future listener.

Only if they or the present/future listeners are really, really stupid. :P

> no singular "tag" will ever fully describe what the makeup/chemistry is of

No, but numerous tags can come pretty close. Do you have a similar problem
with people calling OtR a rock band or an alternative band or whatever?
Labels are simply a means of identifying things - there's nothing inherently
wrong with them. The only time they become wrong is when they are used in a
negative or derogatory manner.

Lighten up!  :)

> i think i'll stop & breathe for a moment. PLUS - i'm supposed to be
> :o)

Aw, why work when this is /so/ much more fun?  <g>

paul christian glenn | pcg at runbox_com

"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you
tend to see every problem as a nail."
                - Abraham Maslow

"If we don't change direction soon, we'll
end up where we're going."
                 - Irwin Corey

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