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Re: "A Catch-All Email" or "How I Learned to Love the Bomb..."


> of it all somehow, but basically the horizontal dimension of two Roman 
> chariot horses asses is...  you guessed it...  80 characters long!!  
> Mystery: solved.

This is bloody hysterical.  Made my day.  I'm glad I had swallowed the mouthful
of diet pop that I was drinking before I read this, or my monitor would be in

> I don't see how "When I Go" can be a floater and not a downer, 

After contemplation, consideration, and a little physics calculation, I 
have come to the conclusion that I don't know what the fuck I'm talking
about, so please ignore me completely on this one.

> Last night we had a meal from Finland.  Well, prepared using Finnish 
> cookbooks.  It was strange.  Cherry soup was my favorite, but the beet and 
> other root vegetable salad w/ mayo dressing was a bit much to look at..

Hmmm... could you send me recipies off-list?  I'd love to try that cherry soup.
Not the beets, though.  Can't stand beets.  I cook once a week for my
housemates, and I am always looking for interesting things to try.  Tonight's
north african night, with a kale-pinapple-peanut stew, stewed spiced carrots &
dried cranberries (okay, the cranberries aren't north african, I substituted
them for the raisins, and I like em, so there), and couscous with roasted pine
nuts.  Yum!

> I'm waiting to watch Terry Gilliam/Criterion's 3xDVD set of "Brazil" the next
> weekend it's cold and rainy.

You are in for a treat.  I bought that sucker the day it came out.  Well,
actually I pre-ordered it months in advance, but it arrived at my house the day
it came out.  :-) If I ever have to sell off my collection, it will be one of
the last ones to go.  My advice, watch the director's cut if you haven't seen
it yet, then watch all the stuff on disc two, then watch the director's cut
again with Terry G's commentary track, then watch the "Love Conquers All"
version with the commentary track.  Don't bother watching the LCA version
without the commentary; it's a waste of time.  There may be a few scenes you
might want to see without the commentary, ones that weren't in the DC, but you
can always switch the sound on the fly.

I'm a total Criterion freak.  Sometimes I buy movies simply because they're
Criterion.  I can't think of any other reason why I would get _The Rock_.
Temporary insanity, I'm sure.  I keep toying with the idea of just getting
all of them, but then I realize that would mean buying Armageddon, and I
snap out of the daydream.  :-)

Almost time to go home and start cooking...
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
dasmith at rotse2_physics.lsa.umich.edu        http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder we see the fading of the suns and try
to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
				     - Georges Lematre

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