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Re: More FfR thoughts

> sweeping meloncholy tone of this one.  There is some really
> fascinating imagry in the lyrics.  Especially when it gets sexual in
> the latter half. To discuss:  why "a *slut* with a mission"?

ya know... i'd thought it was a 'slight remission' (: oops - kinda changes
the meaning of the song quite alot.

heard a group called Vida last night. is it possible to od, to become
drunk on beauty? i think i was last night. entranced, delighted. to think
i had been going to work late... instead i went to hear them.  they danced
musically all across the world and were able to correctly convey the style
and langauge from different countries.  a capella - wow.

i really like This is not goodbye...


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with dinner at Milliway's, the restaurant at the end of the universe.

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