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Re: More FfR thoughts

> > To discuss:  why "a *slut* with a mission"?
> a slut without a mission is just a "ho"...

a wonderful illustration of the point :)  we live in a
culture that realizes more and more that we as people
aren't the greatest thing ever (especially not by
ourselves).  i read something cool and of that ilk
today while working on some of trakl's poetry.  mmm.  

and this professor detsch sez, "the pendulum which,
since the middle ages, has swung in the direction of
the glorification of the indiviual man and the
insistence upon his absoulte freedom with respect to
his surroundings--to mold them or destroy them as he
sees fit--is now beginning to swing back in the
opposite direction.  man is troubled more and more by
a sense of loss: the loss of the totality of which he
was once a part."

i was thinking about "moth" in that last bit...

this could take eastern, marxist or neo-pagan paths
even :)  or christian ones in terms of being part of
the body of christ and worshiping god.  jung might be
a nice juncture for all of us...in that he presupposed
the existence of a being greater than man and that to
be healthy we needed to be in harmony with it.

we see this swinging back of the pendulum with the
popularity of new age ideas and the return to ancient
eastern religions and philosophies.  i'm thinking even
of the jungian "unus mundus" (a state of the
unification of your psyche and your physicality) as a
possible result even (disclaimer: just in case you're
wondering about me professing christianity and talking
about carl jung at the same time--he's got ideas i
agree with and many i don't :)

so, in short (ha ha), i think they're using a nice
cut-to-the-chase-i'm-so-tired-of-the-pretty-fluff term
like "slut"--identifying with the object (as a
speaking subject...hence more unity according to this
detsch guy)...and for what?  in the end, even trakl is
going for wholeness with this unity stuff.  or to take
a more standard (ha ha) christian view dripping with
humility: aren't we all sluts for something?  don't we
sell out to something?  and in this song, i think
we're hearing from a slut for heaven.  oh dear god :)

the "mission" part could have to do with a god-given
purpose in life.  i dunno.

just some thoughts.

take care,
j. marie

np: remy zero _villa elaine_

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