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Re: arguing divinity and sex (was sex/fronteer)

> you're condemning luci and the rest for arguing in
> much the same way you argued with her.  why is that?

because it pleases to do so, all the reason i ever need

> it's contradictory, maybe, for a particular school of
> thought...that is one among many...but not for every
> thinker out there...certainly not for people of faith.

so people of faith have no need for logic,  is that right?

faith has this curious ability to circumvent all those little gaps in logic
you might encounter.  or maybe faith just makes all logical processes into a
circular shape.

>  i bet kyle is a rationalist...hey, kyle, you can join
> with a bunch of the evangelical christian coalition if
> you so desire :)  you might fit in quite well.

oh, ok, that must be your christian faith talking again.

> oh c'mon.  don't tell me you're an essentialist now
> :)?

i don't see what essentialism have anything to do with what i said.

> how many of these "mutants" do you know, out of
> curiosity?

well, lets see, there is scott summers, jean grey, logan, remmy lebeau, eric
lensherr, viktor creed, ororo monroe, warren worthington, i can go on if you
wish :)

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