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Re: sex, the final frontier...

>god hasn't forced us to do anything including accepting him or
> acknowleding him.

of course not, he just wipes out cities and take your first born if you
don't believe in him.  there is no coercion at all here.

>you're not some special case who i was hoping
> to turn back on to love...just part of the whole...i wish these things for
> everyone.

nonetheless, quit your wishing and hoping.  i want none of that crap that
you wish for everyone.  be gone.

> you assume that because i have a possitive outlook on love that i've never
> been burned by it before. however, i have. twice. and yes, it sucked.

i never made any such assumption, and too much information. i don't want to
know what you might have sucked and how many times.

> you yourself said that there's always a reason and that we don't just do
> things for our own health. so there you go. there must be a reason that
> feel this way about sex. if there aren't reasons, then your opinion is
> shoddily based.

ah, the little girl wants to banty logic with me.

yes we do things for a reason, and the reason is i am easily bored.  when
people are no longer interesting, i go find other sources of entertainment.

> hell. in matt 22:33 jesus says...."you seprents, you brood of vipers, how
> you to escape being sentenced to hell?"...and there you have it
> word hell in the bible.

jesus?  we all know he was delusional, i want something out of the mouth of

> "the god entity mentioned above sounds like he either doesn't care or is
> incompetent."--religious rubbish..."

i am not going to say anymore about that since religion by its very nature
is illogical, and there is no point in debating anything that's illogical
when any sensible undeniable truth/argument can be answered with "because
god wants it that way or god has a purpose, we just don't know it."

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