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Re: sex, the final frontier...

alright, i'm responding in reverse order this time.

"can we not think for ourselves anymore?"
yes, yes we can. why? because god has given us free will. so yes, we can 
think for ourselves...what's more than that, we can also choose for 
ourselves. god hasn't forced us to do anything including accepting him or 
acknowleding him. forced servitude or admiration is pointless and 
meaningless. so god has given us the ability to think about anything and 
everything and to then choose our own paths.

"lustful sex is the best kind, don't knock it until you try it"
you've got me there, i've never tried it so i can't speak from experience. 
but i can speak from observation and it has been my observation that those 
people i know who have partaken in purely lustful sex are often (although not 
always as i'm sure you would be more than willing to point out) left wanting 
something more. sure it's satisfying at the time (probably more than 
satisfying), but the satisfaction doesn't last long and soon they're out 
searching for that something missing again.

"no, no, stop. bite your tongue with your hopes and such..."
more than hoping you will eventually find that someone to help you see how 
wonderful love can be, i hope that someday you will learn to love god and 
experience his love in return. i'm not trying to turn you christian or 
anything so just stop that little arguement before you start it. i merely 
wish this for everyone because in my experience, there is no greater love 
than that of god. so you see....you're not some special case who i was hoping 
to turn back on to love...just part of the whole...i wish these things for 

"and he is such an authority figure because..."
donne was merely an example i was siting. there are several others. they're 
known as "important" or "prominent" writers. they're known as this because we 
continue to read their works today. those who would be "unimportant" are the 
ones we no longer read.

"just give it time, little chickie :) either you will get sick of him or he 
will get sick of you. its merely a matter of time. just wait and see."
you assume that because i have a possitive outlook on love that i've never 
been burned by it before. however, i have. twice. and yes, it sucked. but 
that doesn't change the fact that whenever anything sexual happened there 
were mutual feelings of love. and i may be a hopeless optimist, but despite 
being thrown to the side or bored with my man, i do not give up hope that sex 
is a good thing, a thing full of love, and something you should want to do, 
not have to do.

"why do women always think you are embittered or something happened in the 
past for you to not believe in love, faithful and all that other sappy crap?"
you yourself said that there's always a reason and that we don't just do 
things for our own health. so there you go. there must be a reason that you 
feel this way about sex. if there aren't reasons, then your opinion is rather 
shoddily based.

"oh yeah, find me some proof."
well...i don't have the bible memorized so i'm just going to give you the 
first reference i found while skimming through my bible to find the word 
hell. in matt 22:33 jesus says...."you seprents, you brood of vipers, how are 
you to escape being sentenced to hell?"...and there you have it folks...the 
word hell in the bible.

"the question one have to ask is why is he being nice? we do things for a 
reason, and are not doing it for our own health."
well...yes, there's a reason he does it. it could be that he wants sex. or it 
could be that he just couldn't go in the door before me based on how we were 
walking. or perhaps we're merely friends. maybe i'm on crutches. it could be 
any number of reasons. it doesn't always have to be sex. and it doesn't 
always have to not be sex either, i'll be the first to admitt that. but i 
refuse to believe that it is always, without a doubt, sex.

"the god entity mentioned above sounds like he either doesn't care or is 
or perhaps non-interfering? just because something seems out of wack to you 
doesn't mean it is. having faith that there is a reason for everything and 
that everything (or everyone) has a purpose is part of believing in god 
(which i have gathered thus far that you do not). again, if you take into 
account the human atribute of free will, then the question is not "why didn't 
god stop it from happening?" but "why would god stop it from happening?"

"so you are saying that the population issue is caused by god's lack of 
knowledge of our current conditions?"
not at all...what i was saying is that the mere fact that i believe god to be 
omniscient invalidates any argument in which you state that god screwed up. 
(now remember, this is only possible for me, since i believe in 
god...obviously you are going to disagree because you do not believe in 
god...so whatever.) god, by his very nature, cannot be wrong. therefore, this 
population issue, like the mutants, retards, and crack babies, has its 
purpose in the grand scheme of things.

lastly, as for the consensus thing...i don't care what you refer to sex as. i 
was never trying to make you change how you refer to sex or even how you view 
it. i was simply stating how i felt about it. (and, if you read carefully, in 
my first letter, i actually agreed with you that fuck is an acceptable word 
to use.) you seem to have taken my opinions and tried to pick them apart in 
order to make me miraculously see the obvious error of my ways. well...i'm 
sorry, but no one i meet through an online list is going to change my point 
of view with one simple e-mail (or even 100 simple e-mails). the best you can 
do is make me think (which sadly, you have failed to do so far). i will 
gladly share my opinions with you and, in turn, listen to yours. i will even 
tell you what support i have found for my opinions. but arguing back and 
forth over whose opinion is right is pointless. so...please, just accept my 
opinion as i have accepted yours. you may not think it's right, but i don't 
really care what you think about it.

luci edwards
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