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Re: sex, the final frontier...

"oh, by the way, did you know that....blah blah blah....is this the man you 
hold in high esteme because he knows what sex is all about?"
yes, it is and no, it isn't.
i never actually said that john donne knew what sex was all about. i believe 
in my first letter i said something about the fact that no one knows what sex 
is all about, that's why we still write about it today. 
so no, this isn't "the man" i "hold in such high esteme because he knows what 
sex is all about" because i don't believe there is such a man.
yes, this is the john donne i was referring to though, and yes, i knew this 
about him. but his personal history isn't what interests me (at least 
pertaining to this conversation). what interests me is the view on sex that 
is conveyed in his writing. for all any of us know, donne may not have even 
believed what he wrote to be true (since he obviously didn't practice it). 
but the fact that it's still read today and that it has been read rather 
regularly since donne's time indicates that there is something in the view 
that he wrote that attracts us humans to it. there's something in there that 
we like (although not "we" as a consensus, cause that would be hoping for too 
much...there are always those who don't like what everyone else does).
so yes, this is the john donne i was talking about. but it's not the man i 
hold in esteme, it's his writing and the opinion he conveys.

luci edwards
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