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RE: clerks cartoon, poems & beauty, and planes

> Whatever mindgames or language games we may want to play with the F
> word, it is profane.  That is univerally acknowledged.  (That's why if
> you put it in your movie too many times, you'll get an R rating.)

Eh?  In the jumpy, jittery, generally reactionary United States, that
might be the case.  But in British Columbia, where the government (and not
the industry) rates the movies, it's common for movies that would be rated
R for their language in the States to get rated PG over here (e.g. _Billy
Elliott_, _Stand By Me_, _The Castle_, and so on).  (And note, BTW, that
two of those examples come from cultures on other continents, where the
F-word, while strong, does not carry the stigma it has in the U.S.)

Anyhoo, now y'all have got me curious to see this poem.

--- Peter T. Chattaway ------------------------ petert at interchg_ubc.ca ---
 "I detected one misprint, but to torture you I will not tell you where."
      Winston Churchill to T.E. Lawrence, re Seven Pillars of Wisdom

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