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Re: the 9th

> Well, just my 2¢, but if I recall correctly, after the last Taft show, the
_only_ place open was the Pizzaria Uno a few blocks down, so IF I were going
to be there (grr!) that'd get my vote. They were SUPER nice to us, even
though we came in somewhere 'round an hour before closing and stayed til
they started looking at us pointedly. That was the night-- I shall never
forget this-- when I walked in to ask if they had space for a small party,
and didn't understand why the manager looked over my head with widening
horror until I turned to find the entire list had followed me in, looking
like lost Israelites who'd missed that morning's Manna. I believe that was
also the occasion where we had to duck the fury of a scorned patron who
wanted to let the entire restaurant-- no, the entire downtown area-- know of
her fury at being looked at funny by a waiter. Somehow, she didn't notice
that by that time, the rest of us were looking at her pretty funny, too.

I'll be there.  I remember going to Unos.  That was a good time.  I remember
the people that were kicked out while we were waiting.  That was a funny
scene.  Its a good place for me, unless people have other suggestions.


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