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Re: Re: Call for a re-vote.

> > Did you know that in 1996 there were almost 14,000 ballots tossed
> of
> > discrepances such as double voting.
> in 1996, 14,000 ballots either way wouldn't have made a difference.  this
> year, the whole election hinges on florida's 300 some votes, 19,000 makes
> huge difference.
I agree that it would not have made much of a difference, but were those
people allowed ro re-vote?  That is the main issue.  People don't get a
chance to re-vote because they messed up on the ballot, for whatever reason.
> > constitution set up an electoral college just for instances like this.
> > we based Presidential elections JUST on popular vote, then the large
> states
> > would be able to win the elections hands down and the smaller states
> > be left in the dust.
> are you saying there are some kind of state hive minds that everyone in
> same state would vote the same??  that's the only way a large state can
> more say than a small state.   in a purely popular vote election,
> everyone's vote is weighed the same, no matter which state you are from.
> its in the electoral system that a vote in california is hell of lot
> important than a vote in alaska.  think it through.
> oh wait, that's right,  conservatives are known for their inability to see
> the inconsistencies in their logic.
Ok, maybe my argument wasn't quite logical, but think about this.  If we
went on a purely popular vote, wouldn't it make sense just to focus on the
areas where the population is the largest?  That is what I would do.  I
wouldn't go to places like Idaho, North Dakota, Maine, and states which have
smaller populations.  I would go to places like New York, California, Texas,
Florida, and Pennsylvania, where there are larger populations.  That, I
think, was the main idea behind the Electoral College.

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